
The prompt of this project was to develop a product management tool. My group and I created Pronto, a product management add-on for JIRA designed as a survey tool for Agile teams to gather daily feedback.


Designer (Group project)






6 weeks

Competitive Analysis

In order to identify areas for improvement, we examined existing survey tools commonly used in the corporate environment. Our analysis revealed limitations in the effectiveness of complex "well-being" surveys, as they failed to provide sufficient detailed data. Additionally, we observed a dearth of meaningful data visualizations.

User Interviews

In order to make our product a valuable tool, we conducted 9 interviews to acquire a thorough comprehension of the requirements. Our interviews included individuals at various levels including junior employees, managers, and corporate leaders, to obtain a comprehensive understanding of their needs and values in terms of expressing satisfaction and tracking productivity.

Product Features

Our product includes several key features: a user interface mock-up, quick employee surveys covering various aspects, data visualizations for interpretation and decision-making, projection mapping for productivity enhancements, custom Pronto tags for flexible tracking, gamification elements, and more accurate utilization rate assessment for productivity evaluation.


Below I created a few low-fidelity wireframes that included the manager dashboard, possible survey tools, team dash board, and user feedback. These wireframes showcased an early iteration of what to include in our product.

Final Designs

Through multiple iterations, my team and I collaborated to divide tasks and refine our ideas. The initial prompt to enhance the digital employee experience presented a broad challenge, providing us with a valuable learning opportunity to refine our concepts and establish a clear scope.


I found that by using a product management tool, it shows that great managers will go beyond numbers to gauge success. They prioritize open communication and mutual understanding, recognizing that happy employees lead to better productivity and a thriving company. Measuring these factors gives teams a competitive edge. It's all about striking the right balance, where managers track progress without being intrusive, and employees can use the tools to grow professionally. This approach benefits both sides and helps them achieve their goals.

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